Miyawaki Forest Workshop

The microforest or pocket forest method was developed by an outstanding Japanese botanist, Dr. Akira Miyawaki, who developed a technique for planting forests along with creating a forest habitat on a small area of ​​land. This method draws on observations of natural processes, forest ecosystems similar to natural and original ones – it is the result of over 50 years of its implementation in various parts of the world. It ensures relatively fast growth, a high degree of biodiversity and durability,
and most importantly, it is an effective method in building a forest habitat on degraded ground. The microforest initiates soil-forming processes and ensures appropriate circularity – processing organic matter, such as leaves, mowing or wood – absorbing carbon, building humus, retaining water.
Take part in the creation of our microforest! Plant a plant in the microforest yourself, which in the following years will co-create this unique habitat on the WULS-SGGW campus!
“Planting day” will take place on October 2, 2024!
Workshop is open to all interested!”