
September 1, 2024

Registration for Community Dialogue (29.10) is now open

August 2, 2024

Meet our next speaker. Marta Mendel is the vice-rector for international cooperation of SGGW, and was the dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine (2019-2020). She serves as vice-chair of the Board for the UNIgreen and is active in the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS). She is also a member of the ICA-Edu Executive Committee and has been recognized as an expert by the Polish Accreditation Commission and CRASP. Involved in the Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) under the EUA, she has enhanced her leadership competencies through EU-funded projects like LOTUS and NEWLEAD.

Her primary scientific interests lie in the use and safety of medicinal plants in animals, animal gut health, and the development of alternative experimental models.


August 1, 2024

Registration for the workshops has been closed. We appreciate your strong interest. Due to the limited number of spots and the highly practical nature of the workshops, we had to select the participants. Decisions regarding acceptance, non-acceptance, and the waitlist can be found in your email inboxes.

July 29, 2024

Final Notice for registration.

Registration will close on June 31st. After this date, it will no longer be possible to register for the event. Do not miss this final opportunity.


July 25, 2024

We are happy to announce another prominent speaker, Dr Achyut Adhikari (holder of the prestigious Adrienne Gravois Brazan Endowed Professorship; the Associate Director and Associate Professor at the School of Nutrition and Food Science as well as the interim Director of the Food Innovation Center, Louisiana State University).

Dr Adhikari established a comprehensive research program focusing on global food safety and security, led or co-led the USDA Cochran Fellowship Programs for Bosnia and Herzegovina, China and Ghana as well as USDA Borlaug programs for India and Vietnam. He played a crucial role in establishing LSU-SGGW-Mendel University international symposium on transatlantic cooperation for food systems adaptation and resilience. His scholarly contribution covers book chapers and >100 peer reviewed publications. He advises numerous international students and visiting scientists from various countries. 

In 2022 Dr Adhikari received the LSU AgCenter Global Network Award. He continues to maintain active cooperation with national and international instuitutions, enhancing his impact and fostering global partnerships

July 19, 2024

We are happy to announce one of our lead speakers, Sebastian Stride (SIRIS Academic).

Sebastian Stride is an expert in Higher Education and Research at SIRIS Academic, a consulting firm fully owned by a not-for-profit foundation.

He has worked for over 250 universities, research organisations and governments around the world, helped raise 5 billion Euros and spoken at leading institutions in 25 countries. One of his main areas of focus is internationalisation.

In his previous academic life he spent 15 years as an archaeologist on the Silk Road.

July 18, 2024

Last call to register: if you plan to join us, registration closes on July 28th. Due to the limited number of spots available for the workshops, do not wait—submit your application now.

July 15, 2024

We are pleased to inform you that the workshops will be led by SIRIS Academic, a firm with extensive experience collaborating with universities worldwide.

SIRIS Academic has ample experience in the design and moderation of community-wide participative workshops, whether in the context of inter-institutional projects such as the European University Alliances or in the context of developing an institutional strategy. They are also experienced in elaborating university internationalization plans, both at the institutional level and at the level of faculties, with multiple universities throughout Europe, particularly in France, Spain, and Germany.  The workshops will be designed with a strong participative component, to not only teach the participants and provide them with useful tools but also to engage them and make them essential actors in the university’s internationalization strategy.

July 4, 2024

Check the schedule tab; we will be updating information about the event program there

June 24, 2024

Registration is now open, reserve your spot as we have a limit on the number of participants. We emphasize a workshop approach, so training groups will be limited. Registration will close on July 14th

June 5, 2024

The event is also about networking; a profile for the event has been created on LinkedIn, where we can get to know each other and chat before the visit to Warsaw. Visit us on LinkedIn and let us know if you plan to join us

May 1, 2024

Stay informed about updates and news by signing up with your email address to our conference upadater