Czym się zajmujemy
UNIgreen project teams
The University of Life Sciences (SGGW) plays a coordinating role in three working groups within the UNIgreen alliance. SGGW leads the WP3 team dealing with research, development and innovation, and co-ordinates two groups WP6, responsible for knowledge transfer, society and ecology, and WP7, which deals with digitalisation and the development of the Virtual Campus.
Mobility of students and staff
Characteristics of individual WP departments
UNIgreen alliance management
we ensure a continuous and smooth exchange of information and experiences between the different project teams. All UNIgreen coordinators meet monthly to share the latest information and discuss key issues.
We manage the activities of our joint team, which is active in the UNIgreen alliance on behalf of SGGW. We ensure that the project progress is reported regularly and that the finances are managed transparently. We also coordinate the satellite activities of the UNIgreen project assigned to SGGW.
Teaching and learning
The team is focusing on defining a common framework for teaching and learning, which will be based on the harmonisation of existing teaching systems, including action will be taken on common degrees
Research, development and innovation
Actions to enhance excellence in research and technological development in the fields of sustainable agriculture, green biotechnology, environmental sciences and life sciences by, inter alia, pooling the scientific infrastructure of the alliance partners
Mobility of students and staff
We are creating consistent administrative procedures across the alliance’s universities, implementing various forms of mobility to improve the quality of mobility and increase the number of participants in academic exchanges. Furthermore, we support activities to finance mobility, including: we run Erasmus+ projects and support the application for European and national funds. We organise events to promote the alliance, such as Welcome Day.
Diversity, integration, multiculturalism
Undertake activities to raise awareness of diversity, sustainability, inclusion and multiculturalism in the academic community.
Knowledge transfer, society and ecology
Actions to support the green transition and develop multifaceted synergies between teaching, research and business - to develop skills, knowledge and solutions in line with the needs of society and the labour market
Digitalisation and virtual campus
Creating a UNIgreen Virtual Campus and equipping the academic community with the knowledge, skills and competences that are part of the digital transformation.
Evaluation and quality assurance of the project
Implement appropriate tools to ensure timely and high quality project implementation.
Dissemination and promotion
Implementation of promotional activities, including the organisation of events to increase the visibility and attractiveness of the UNIgreen project at national and international level, thus supporting the expansion of the project's sustainability in the long term.